Kevin Mitnick - The Art of Deception.pdf
Computer, Network & Internet Security.pdf
O'Reilly -- Essential SNMP.chm
O'Reilly -- LDAP System Administration.chm
O'Reilly -- Network Troubleshooting Tools.pdf
O'Reilly -- The Network Administration Guide.chm
O'Reilly -- Virtual Private Networks, 2nd Ed.pdf
Prentice Hall -- The Practice Of Network Security.chm
Que -- Maximum Security, 4th Edition.chm
Sybex -- Active Defense -- A Comprehensive Guide to Network Security.pdf
Sybex -- Encylopedia of Networking.pdf
Syngress -- Hack Proofing Your Network, 2nd Ed.pdf
Syngress -- Hack Proofing Your Wireless Network.pdf
Syngress -- Host and Network Security for MS, Unix, Oracle.pdf
Syngress -- Managing Cisco Network Security.pdf
Syngress -- Mission Critical Internet Security.pdf
Wiley -- Internet Security.pdf
Addison Wesley -- Open Source Web Development with LAMP.chm
Addison Wesley -- Refactoring Improving the Design of Existing Code.pdf
Addison Wesley -- Tcl and The Tk Toolkit.pdf
Addison Wesley -- The Practice of Programming.pdf
Advanced Linux Programming.pdf
Fortran 90 -- A Conversion Course.pdf
Fundamentals of X Programming GUI and Beyond.pdf
Henry Rich -- J for C Programmers.pdf
Jorg Arndt -- Algorithms for Programmers.pdf
Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial.pdf
Morgan Kaufmann -- Data Quality. The Accuracy Dimension.chm
O'Reilly -- Cocoa In A Nutshell.chm
O'Reilly -- Java Cookbook.pdf
O'Reilly -- Java Network Programming, 2nd Edition.pdf
O'Reilly -- JavaScript Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition.chm
O'Reilly -- Learning the bash Shell, 2nd Edition.chm
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O'Reilly -- Learning XML, 2nd Edition.chm
O'Reilly -- Learning XSLT.chm
O'Reilly -- Linux Device Drivers, 2nd Edition.pdf
O'Reilly -- Practical RDF.chm
O'Reilly -- Secure Coding Principles and Practices.chm
O'Reilly -- Web Client Programming with Perl.pdf
Premier -- ASP Programming for the Absolute Beginner.pdf
PThreads Primer -- A Guide to Multithreaded Programming.pdf
Wiley & Sons -- Software Testing Fundamentals.chm
Wiley & Sons -- The Art of Software Architecture.chm
Addison Wesley -- C++ by Dissection.pdf
Addison Wesley -- Essential C++.pdf
Addison Wesley -- The C++ Programming Language Special 3rd Edition.pdf
Bjarne Stroustrup -- The C++ Programming Language, 3rd Ed.pdf
C++ Programming HOWTO.pdf
Fred Richards -- C & C++ Programming Style Guidlines.pdf
O'Reilly -- C++ In A Nutshell.chm
O'Reilly -- C Pocket Reference.chm
O'Reilly -- Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++.chm
Osborne -- C++ Complete Reference, 3rd Ed.pdf
Que -- C++ Professional Programmer's Handbook.pdf
Wiley -- C++ Programming with CORBA.pdf
O'Reilly -- Learning C Sharp.chm
Sybex -- C Sharp Network Programming.chm
Syngress -- C Sharp for Java Programmers.pdf
Addison Wesley -- Extreme Programming Explained.pdf
Addison Wesley -- Extreme Programming Explored.pdf
Addison Wesley -- Extreme Programming Installed.pdf
Addison Wesley -- Planning Extreme Programming.pdf
Addison Wesley -- Effective Java -- Programming Language Guide.pdf
Addison Wesley -- LDAP programming with Java.pdf
O'Reilly -- Java Programming with Oracle JDBC.pdf
McGraw-Hill -- Perl, The Complete Reference, 2nd Ed.pdf
O'Reilly -- Perl and XML.pdf
O'Reilly -- Perl Cookbook, 2nd Ed.chm
Perl for SysAdmin.chm
Advanced PHP for Web Professionals.chm
M&T Books -- MySQL and PHP Database Applications.pdf
O'Reilly -- Learning PHP 5.chm
O'Reilly -- Upgrading to PHP 5.chm
Premier Press -- PHP Fast & Easy Web Development, 2nd Edition.chm
Sams -- PHP, MySQL and Apache in 24 Hours.chm
Wrox Press -- Beginning PHP4.pdf
Hungry Minds -- Python 2.1 Bible.pdf
O'Reilly -- Python In A Nutshell.chm
O'Reilly -- Mastering Regular Expressions.pdf
O'Reilly -- Regular Expression Pocket Reference.chm
Addison Wesley -- Sendmail Performance Tuning.chm
Advanced IDS Techniques Using SNORT, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and ACID.pdf
Advanced Novell Network Management -- Course 3005.pdf
Apache Server 2 Bible.pdf
BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual.pdf
GNU Press -- Debugging with GDB.pdf
Oracle 8i -- Admin Guide.pdf
O'Reilly -- DNS and BIND, 4th Edition.chm
O'Reilly -- Essential CVS.chm
O'Reilly -- Exim -- The Mail Transfer Agent.pdf
O'Reilly -- Network Security with OpenSSL.pdf
O'Reilly -- Postfix The Definitive Guide.chm
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O'Reilly -- Sendmail, 3rd Edition.chm
O'Reilly -- SSH, The Secure Shell -- The Definitive Guide Ebook -fly.pdf
O'Reilly -- Using Samba, 2nd Ed.chm
Osborne -- GCC Complete Reference.pdf
Premier -- Administering and Securing the Apache Server.chm
Prentice Hall PTR -- Oracle DBA Guide to Data Warehousing and Star Schemas.chm
Que -- Novell GroupWise 6.5 User's Handbook.chm
Que -- Novell NetWare 6.5 Administrators Handbook.chm
Syngress -- Snort 2.0 Intrusion Detection.pdf
The OpenBSD Packet Filter FAQ.pdf
X-Window -- Motif Programming Manual 6a.pdf
X-Window -- Motif Reference Manual 6b.pdf
Addison Wesley -- SQL Performance Tuning.chm
Addison Wesley -- The Gurus Guide to Transact SQL.pdf
O'Reilly -- High Performance MySQL.chm
O'Reilly -- MySQL Pocket Reference.chm
O'Reilly -- SQL in Nutshell.pdf
PostgreSQL 7.4.2 Documentation.pdf
PostgreSQL - Introduction and Concepts.pdf
Sams -- MySQL Administrator's Guide.chm
Sams -- MySQL Second Edition.chm
Steve Suehring -- MySQL Bible.pdf
Sybex -- Mastering MySQL 4.chm
Wiley Publishing -- SQL for Dummies, 5th Ed.pdf
Apress -- Automating UNIX and Linux Administration.chm
Cisco Press -- Integrated Cisco and UNIX Network Architectures.chm
CRC Press -- Unix Administration.pdf
Introduction to Unix by Frank Fiamingo.pdf
McGraw-Hill -- UNIX System Administration for Beginners.pdf
OpenBSD FAQ.pdf
O'Reilly -- Learning the UNIX Operating System, 4th Ed.pdf
O'Reilly -- Practical Unix and Internet Security, 3rd Edition.chm
O'Reilly -- The Unix CD Bookshelf
O'Reilly -- UNIX backup and recovery.pdf
O'Reilly -- Unix for Oracle DBAs Pocket Reference.pdf
The NetBSD Guide.pdf
Absolute BSD -- The Ultimate Guide to FreeBSD.pdf
FreeBSD Handbook.pdf
The Complete FreeBSD.pdf
Craig Hunt -- Linux Network Servers.pdf
HungryMinds -- Linux+ Certification Bible.pdf
Mike McCune -- Integrating Linux and Windows.pdf
O'Reilly -- Building Embedded Linux Systems.chm
O'Reilly -- Building Secure Servers with Linux.chm
O'Reilly -- Learning Debian GNU Linux.pdf
O'Reilly -- Learning Red Hat Linux, 3rd Edition.chm
O'Reilly -- Linux In A Nutshell, 4th Edition.chm
O'Reilly -- Linux Network Administrator Guide, 2nd Ed.pdf
O'Reilly -- Linux Security Cookbook.chm
O'Reilly -- Linux Server Hacks.pdf
O'Reilly -- Running Linux, 4th Edition.pdf
O'Reilly -- Understanding the Linux Kernel, 2nd Ed.chm
Prentice Hall -- Linux On The Mainframe.chm
Red Hat Linux 7.2 Bible Unlimited Ed.pdf
Red Hat Linux Complete Command Reference.pdf
Red Hat Press -- Red Hat Linux Networking and System Administration.pdf
Red Hat Press -- Red Hat Linux Security and Optimization.pdf
Sams -- Teach Yourself Linux In 24 Hours, 2nd Edition.pdf
Securing and Optimizing Linux -- The Ultimate Solution.pdf
Sybex -- Linux+ Study Guide.pdf
Sybex -- Linux System Administration, 2nd Ed.pdf
Syngress -- Hack Proofing Linux.pdf
Migrating from Linux to a Microkernel OS.pdf
QNX Neutrino RTOS Kernel Benchmark Methodology.pdf
Using POSIX-based RTOS for Embedded Systems.pdf
Using RTOS to Implement SMP.pdf
Premier -- Solaris 9 Security.pdf
Wiley -- Solaris Solutions for System Administrators.pdf
Saturday, November 18, 2006
good collection of books
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